Migri Release News


This page contains information about new Migri releases, including a list of changes from the previous versions. See also the full Migri release history.

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Migri 2.4.1 - 240824 (240824) is a maintenance release

  • Added a "Full Screen" button to the Graphics toolbar, which maximizes the 2D/3D view.
  • The current simulation timestep is now displayed next to the active process in the status bar.
  • Added Preferences option to set the default 2D/3D view background to either white or graded.
  • Added Preferences option to determine if basemaps and wells should be updated when switching between 2D/3D views.
  • Well properties now use the colour legend currently selected in the Graphics toolbar.
  • Support for user-defined ParameterLayer groups in Stochastic and Ranking simulations.
  • Fine-tuning of flow threshold for oil in HC.Arteries plot.
  • Added unique id for caserun & project file to the Migri information box in the 3D view.
  • Technology preview of OpenVDS OSDU seismic file loading, viewing and export. Full support for these features will be available in version 2.5.
  • Added support for conversion from SEGY to OpenVDS format in the Convert Seismic tool.
  • Fixed bugs related to seismic viewing and mapping.
  • Fixed issue with trap leakage when stratas = 1 for the seabed layer.
  • Resolved an issue with the Extract project feature when the project filepath contains non-ASCII characters.

Migri 2.4.0 - 240324 (240324) is a production release

  • Introduces a new Project Cleanup tool for removing obsolete projects.
  • Leakage zones allow for leaking oil and gas out of a reservoir up into a shallower unit.
  • New Project.downwards=2 mode for enforcing downwards migration from pinchout carrier into underlying carrier.
  • Allow for using Vsh curves as input when creating strata logs from e.g LAS files.
  • Added "Filter Topics" option to the Project Workspace to hide selected topics/groups in the tree.
  • New Phase Properties utility for making more accurate predictions of Trap GOR, Oil GOR and GCR.
  • New Extract Stochastic Traps tool for compiling probability distributions for trap properties.
  • Filter away small traps when extracting stochastic traps.
  • Reduced number of caseruns needed for Ranking of parameters simulations.
  • Improved continuity in faulted layers when plotting of SN & WE profiles.
  • Added probability curve overlays and annotations to RiskChart Input distribution charts.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.

Migri 2.3.3 - 231023 (231023) is a maintenance release

  • Fixed occasional MigriBee crashes on Linux systems when running large models.
  • Improved calculations of weighted stochastic results probabilities.
  • You can now modify the legend's minimum and maximum range when viewing stochastic results maps.
  • Phaserisk results now uses the correct legend when viewed from stochastic results.
  • Addressed the issue where the "Include" toggle in the Riskchart input table was being overridden
  • when creating new model iterations.
  • Introduced an option to overwrite old results during Riskchart setup.
  • Fixed depth scaling issues for picked points and lines displayed on profiles.
  • Added a Wells option to exclusively map samples onto a horizon when the LayerAge value falls within the horizon's age interval.
  • Changed sorting order to numerical in Trap Viewer table.
  • Rearranged the layout of the Process Stochastic dialog.
  • Added "Auto" option for adding new points to Selection Info.

Migri 2.3.2 - 230823 (230823) is a maintenance release

  • Stochastic processing now computes P10, P90 from the full dataset, not assuming Normal distributions
  • Stochastic processing now uses HDF to store the results
  • Welltops.mistie in Model/Structure/QA Welltops will plot the difference between model depth and observation welltop depths
  • No longer showing non-deposited layers in 2D mode
  • Improved handling of "map onto topmost layer" projection in 2d mode
  • Fixed issue with use of Project.T.adjust in stochastic simulations
  • Support for using special characters (e.g. æøå) in filepaths.
  • Improved handling on multi-series plots in Quickplot.
  • Fixed crash on filtering of observation data with column sorting activated.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 2.3.1 - 230423 (230423) is a maintenance release

  • Model notes may be attached to layer positions and displayed in the 2D/3D view.
  • Modified SealEvent defaults & Peseal.add time dependence
  • Included empty traps in Stochastic Trap Info
  • Added option in Layer Properties to show layer fault mesh.
  • Added information on recommended number of bees to Stochastic setup.
  • Added 3D View RMB menu option for exporting fault point properties in csv format.
  • Improved support for using comma as decimal separator on Windows systems
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 2.3.0 - 230123 (230123) is a production release

  • Model notes may be attached to layer positions and displayed in the 2D/3D view.
  • Switch between pre-defined colourmaps in the Graphics toolbar
  • Composite strata logs can be created in Well Correlation and used as model input
  • Gridmaps/Files loads faultsurfaces .grif files in Import to New Faultsurfaces Group
  • Easy loading of pIGI data (as provided by NPD) into the Observations Table Editor.
  • Added option to mark caseruns as favourites in Caserun Selection
  • Automatic updating of drainage area analysis data during simulation
  • Removed plotting of mesh spikes for some elements along boundary of layer geometries
  • The "Show layer boundaries" option in wells is now functioning properly.
  • Leaked oil and gas into traps are now included in the Moving hydrocarbons Trap Viewer plot.
  • Fixed issue with occasional missing volumes in stochastic “Available to Traps” plot
  • Fixed bug that caused clip plane profiles to be created at wrong angle
  • Fixed issue that caused results to be shown only for the topmost sublayer when in 2D mode.


Migri 2.2.1 - 220901 (220901) is a maintenance release

  • Added bulk grid export functionality to Caserun Results and Stochastic Results panels.
  • Basemap Add Lines/Flowpaths can now plot Flowpaths and spillpaths as lines in 2D & 3D view
  • Add Lines in Basemap and Import Table in Wells stores a copy of the result in the outcome directory
  •  Added progress bar when creating mesh.
  • Added Project.faultsfilter option to reduce number of fault points when building geometries with large fault polygon sets.
  • Added Stochastic.notzero option to exclude zero values when computing mean and standard deviations for stochastic results.
  • Added experimental plotting of "Contour classes" on maps in 2D/3D view. Note: contour lines/labels are not yet displayed
  • Fix for occasional crash on interactive label editing (mouse double-click on label) in 3D view.
  • Fix for crash when modifying stream properties in 2d view mode.
  • Reorganized view/layout menu to clarify which options affect 2D and/or 3D views.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 2.2.0 - 220606 (220606) is a production release

  • LateralBarriers can be used to block lateral migration without needing to rebuild the model geometries.
  • New Edit Faults Toolbar to quickly create or modify fault polygons and define fault insides/outsides.
  • Added Stochastic trap probability plots of modelled trap property distributions (e.g. volumes, GOR).
  • Added source rock kinetics sensitivities properties.
  • Iterative Monte Carlo simulation runs can now be defined in the Stochastic setup panel.
  • Added post-processing actions for Monte Carlo simulations to Stochastic setup
  • Fixed issue with shallow (<1km burial) shale pinchouts not sealing properly.
  • Fixed issue with 2D view not zooming correctly when loading a saved view.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements
  • New Edit Faults Toolbar to quickly create or modify fault polygons and define fault insides/outsides.
  • Added Stochastic trap probability plots of modelled trap property distributions (e.g. volumes, GOR).
  • Added source rock kinetics sensitivities properties.
  • Iterative Monte Carlo simulation runs can now be defined in the Stochastic setup panel.
  • Added post-processing actions for Monte Carlo simulations to Stochastic setup
  • Fixed issue with shallow (<1km burial) shale pinchouts not sealing properly.
  • Fixed issue with 2D view not zooming correctly when loading a saved view.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 2.1.1 - 220222 (220222) is a maintenance release

  • Added option to map basemaps and wells onto a layer type group (source rocks, seals, reservoirs etc.)
  •  Added Open File Explorer option to the File menu. Opens the system default file manager in the project db directory.
  • Improved support for High-DPI monitors.
  • Fix for Basemap/Add Lines crash issue
  • Added basin/province and median to the Project Settings editor
  • Added LayerFaultsOutline and Faultsurfaces options to Basemap/Add Lines/Mesh

Migri 2.1.0 - 220117 (220117) is a production release

  • Caserun Selection, Caserun Results, Quickplot and Case Comparison no longer require a Migrisk license.
  • Added Trap Summary tool to view most important trap data quickly.
  • New plugin for modelling CO2 Injection (requires a plugin license)
  • Project files can now be organized into subfolders by setting Project.studyname (see Project Settings)

  • Reorganized Analysis and Edit menus.
  • Added opacity setting for profiles
  • Added Stochastic.zeroColumn parameter. This gives the minimum Misfit when modelled and observed HC column is mismatched
  • Added OilCharge and GasCharge properties which plot amounts of gas and oil migrating into the carrier from source layers.
  • Added maximize, minimize & restore buttons to all dock windows.
  • "Edit aliases" option now available when loading basemap or well files with unrecognized headers
  • Input dialogs should no longer be hidden behind the main window.
  • Fixed issue with "Draw planes properties" not updating properly in 2D.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 2.0.4 - 211201 (211201) is a maintenance release:

  • Changed the color of oil traps in HC.flowrates (more distinct from high flowrates)
  • HC.flowrates can now be activated in 3D View from Caserun Selection (View as viewrun RMB option).
  • Caserun results can now be shown in 3D View (Show in 3D view RMB option). Some legend types are not supported yet.
  • Added BulkPVT page to Observation Tables
  • New "Add missing wells" and "Add picked point" options in Observation Tables.
  • Added shortcut to the Convert Files utility in the File menu
  • Optimalisation of Wells plotting in 3Dview (for the Project onto layer option)
  • Model rotation point is longer reset when switching between 3D and 2D mode.
  • Fixed issue when updating well sets in Wells Calibration panel
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

 Migri 2.0.2 - 210907 (210907) is a production release:

  • Loading from HDF files now uses Read only access to avoid HDF file corruptions
  • Fixed issue when creating Caserun from MonteCarlo simulation run.
  • Improved accuracy in geometry loading reduces the Depth.mismatch of horizons
  • Added SourceModel/Thickness_Source property to the Model section of the Project Workspace
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of 2D Scalebar option in Layout menu
  • Fixed problem with picking points outside of model when in 2d mode
  • Fixed error importing POL files into Selection info
  • Fixed occasional crash when closing application on Linux
  • Layers are now always made visible when viewed in 2D mod

Migri 2.0.1 - 210715 (210715) is a production release:

  • Some HDF issues fixed
  • Fixed scaling errors for wells and picked 3d points (see also Known issues)
  • Removed crash when selecting points with labels turned off (see also Known issues)
  • Seismic file conversion now works also on Linux (see also Known issues)
  • Pressure is now included as a vertical log property
  • Points labels are now hidden when panning, rotating and zooming the model
  • Added files that were missing from the 2.0.0 installation. Removed some unused libraries.

Migri 2.0.0 - 210616 (210616) is a production release:

  • Support for user-defined kinetics with the new Kinetics Editor
  • New Caserun Results tool for viewing results from old simulations
  • Project Settings panel allows for easily setting general project and simulation properties.
  • New Create Strata utility for creating strata logs from raw well logs.
  • New Layer Lithologies editor
  • Wells Calibration utility for comparing observation data from wells with simulation results
  • Layer visibility can be toggled according to type (source, reservoir, seal etc.)
  • Basemap/Add Lines can be used to view dynamic polygon data from the simulation.
  • New engine for 3D graphics gives improved graphics quality and faster rendering.
  • Annotated axis and scalebars can be shown in 3D/2D views.
  • Sublayer mesh can be toggled/on off in Profiles.
  • Upgraded user interface to use Qt5 libraries.

Migri 1.9.12 - 220117 (220117) is a maintenance release:

  • Project files can now be organized into subfolders by setting Project.studyname
  • Added Stochastic.zeroColumn parameter. This gives the minimum Misfit when modelled and observed HC column is mismatched
  • Added OilCharge and GasCharge properties which plot amounts of gas and oil migrating into the carrier from source layers.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Migri 1.9.10 - 210422 (210616) is a maintenance release:

  • Added Thickness_Source as a property in Model/SourceModel
  • Simulations will now support multicomponent generation kinetics defined in Migri 2
  • Faster plotting of wells
  • Improved and fixed LithoFacies issues (e.g. reload model when necessary)
  • Added Basin%Ro and Easy%RoDL vitrinite plotting options (select in Properties window for Vitrinite property).

Migri 1.9.8 - 201217 (210325) is a maintenance release:

  • Improved handling of Petromod Hiatus events and Basement
  • Fixed issues with Petromod burial histories
  • Fixed issues with user-defined LithoFacies
  • Allow for user-defined LithoFacies as Lithologies
  • Improved Shape file (polygons «ring») loading
  • Added BasicOutput option for hdf storage of simulation results
  • User-lithologies can now be chosen as input lithologies
  • Never and Always can now be used as Active output tags
  • Fixed incorrect external burial histories when using palaeowaterdepths.
  • Fixed incorrect assignment of Stochastic.areas in Risk Chart setup.
  • Fixed bug in Reload project data option in Observation Tables Editor.
  • Fixed missing reset of Oil.adjust and Gas.adjust factors when switching off injection modelling.
  • Fixed incorrect alignment of charts in Trap Viewer.

Migri 1.9.6 - 200821(200821) is a maintenance release

  • Sublayer maturities are now plotted in Logviewer and Geohistory
  • Simulate next timestep now works for single timestep models
  • Recursive faultsurfaces migration improved to avoid occasional crash
  • Minor issues fixed in GUI

Migri 1.9.4 - 200618(200618) is a maintenance release

  • Fixed issue causing crash when pasting new rows into observation tables and saving
  • Fixed issue that may cause crash when loading many grids.
  • Added warning when loading models with geometry mesh not updated

Migri 1.9.2 - 200606(200606) is a maintenance release

  • Improved meshing of faults
  • Closed Faults option added (easier to use than setting Entry pressures of faults)
  • Model/Layer plotting now shows full layer names in legend.
  • Support for |Horizon_159.Ma|max| operation for handling downlapping horizons in model building
  • More properties are supported with user aliases in loading csv files
  • Stitch math operation added for digitizing tielines to stitch holes in grids
  • Project.farness can now be used to set distance from AOI of csv and polygon data to be loaded
  • Allowing for assigning column name aliases on CSV file import to Observation tables,
  • Added Well tops panel to Observations tables.
  • Minor bugfixes

Migri 1.9.0 - 200303(200303) is a production release

  • Define different Scenarios and apply these when running simulations.
  • Process Stochastic dialog for compiling results from Monte Carlo simulations
  • New Stochastic Results window for studying Monte Carlo simulations results.
  • Introduced FaultsealEvent parameter to activate/deactivate or scale layer fault sealing through time.
  • Introduced FaultsurfaceEvent parameter to activate or scale fault surface migration through time.
  • New Create Fault Surfaces tool
  • New Extract Project utility.
  • Risk chart reorganization and new analysis options
  • New Stochastic Areas functionality for compiling Riskchart results for different sub-areas.
  • New column auto-fill and data filtering options in Observations Table Editor
  • Added filtering options to Output Table
  • Added Misfit distribution chart to the Caserun Selection panel
  • New Edit aliases utility

Migri 1.8.6 - 191104 (191104) is a  maintenance release

  • It is no longer needed to specify number of runs when starting Ranking simulations.
  •  Allowing for using Ranking analysis with Maturity simulations.
  • Vitrinite legend now defaults to range 0 - 1.5.
  • Improved loading of fault surfaces.
  • Minor bugfixes

  Migri 1.8.4 - 190918 (190918) is a  maintenance release

  • ”Update model” button is now activated (red) after making changes in the Edit LithoFacies dialog.
  • Fixed calculation error in “predicted model size” in Modify project dialog.
  • Added Project.downwards parameter to allow more efficient migration into older layers from e.g. pinchouts.
  • Minor adjustment to handling of flow direction calculation in thin layers (< 30 cm thick unconformities).

Migri 1.8.2 - 190722 (190806) is a  maintenance release

  • Added support for proprietary Company lithosystems
  • Added compression when using HDF storage
  • Fixed TrapViewer issues with leakage between many shallow sublayers
  • Fixed bug in “File Types” dialog window size.

Migri 1.8.0 - 190411 (190411) is a production release

  • Monitor stochastic panel for viewing progress of stochastic simulations.
  • New Ranking analysis tool for studying input parameter sensitivities.
  • New Modify fault properties in area input dialog
  • New Modify LithoFacies in area input dialog
  • Introduced new Analysis top-level menu.
  • Reload button in Explorer to force update of the file tree.

Migri 1.7.2 - 190126 (190126) is a  maintenance release

  • Corrected error in conversion from metric to oil field units for gas volume at reservoir conditions.
  • Modify project now allows for using alternative lithology scheme.
  • Fixed bug in lithology selection when using alternative lithology scheme
  • Fixed annotation error in lithology legend (introduced in 1.7.0).


Migri 1.7.0 - 190110 (190110) is a production release

  • MigriComplex: Faultsurfaces loading, plotting and migration modelling
  • MigriComplex: Ranking of parameters
  • MigriComplex:  Parameter groups in stochastic modelling (Ranking)
  • New History Editor for temperatures, overpressure and seal events.
  • Allowing for switching between metric and oil field units in TrapViewer and Drainage area analysis.
  • Allowing for switching between m and ft as input units for depth maps in the Geological Events Editor.
  • Added new Modify property in area tool
  • New Stochastic setup wizard for launching stochastic simulations.
  • Added Wells table to the Observation Tables Editor
  • LithoFacies input (project workspace: Input/Lithologies/LithoFacies)
  • New LithoFacies Editor for adding and editing user-defined lithofacies
  • Added support for Database Views.
  • Added plot templates (temperature, maturity, pressure) to Log Viewer.
  • Allowing for switching between well locations (defined in the Wells table) in Log Viewer.
  • Layer models can now be created from a well tops (.csv) table file.
  • Project.output: choose from list of existing output table tags
  • Fixed bug sometimes occurring when selecting items from the menus in Output Table Editor
  • The “Visualize each step” setting is now stored when closing Migri.
  • Fixed bug causing “open last project” to sometimes open the wrong project when running more than one Migri instance
  • Added “Load as caserun” option to the caserun table in Risk Chart.

Migri 1.6.8 - 180801 (180801) is a maintenance release

  • Improved handling of spill from complex traps
  • Tracking of all user parameter changes (stored in Changes.info table)
  • New (unique) caserun name automatically assigned when starting simulation run
  • Fixed a bug in computation of irregular mesh connections (occurs in special settings)
  • Fixed an issue with temperature gradient at 0Ma sometimes being overwritten when using Modify project.
  • Improved handling of intermediate timesteps when Histories are used.
  • Improvements for loading of well data with deviation paths
  • Added ‘wellgrid’ mathematical operation (5*5 grid with values=0; can be used for MSL/seabed when doing pseudo 1D modelling)

Migri 1.6.6 - 180615 (180615) is a  maintenance release:

  • Fixed wrong indexing of histories when using multiple histories with different number of timesteps.

  • Fixed geohistory line drawing error.

Migri 1.6.4 - 180504 (180504) is a maintenance release:

  • 180528 Update: Basement age is no longer included in the timestep list when creating a new project with the “Event” or “Interpolated” timesteps options active.

  •  Fixed an issue causing fault geometry building to fail when using .csv fault polygon files.

  • Minor bugfixes and improvements..

Migri 1.6.2 - 180320 (180320) is a  maintenance release:

  • Fixed reported issue causing the Migrisk license features to be checked out even if the Use Migrisk license option was not activated.
  • Allowing for assigning histories (burial, temperature and overpressure) also to the basement layer.
  • Fixed a potential error when setting layer histories to "not assigned" in the Histories Table Editor
  • Simplified setting of .mirt filepaths in the Histories Table Editor. Removed Filepath text field from the editor.
  • Fixed a bug causing Project.area not to be updated always when using File/Modify Project.
  • The maximum possible number of sub-traps in trap viewer has been increased.
  • Fixed reported issues with unsuccessful loading from HDF5 file.
  • Improved some warning messages when layers are missing in geometry building.

Migri 1.6.0 - 180215 (180215) is a production release:

  • Added Input/Layer Hydraulic/Retention for user control over migration retention (losses).
  • Added Results/Flow/Retained for viewing results from retention calculations (losses during migration)
  • User parameter changes are now stored in a Changes.info table with date/time of change
  • Added Rock-eval and Shows tables to Observation tables editor
  • New Modify project option to edit an existing project with the Project setup wizard.
  • Histories can now be assigned to layers in the Histories table editor.
  • Added “Download NPD data” option to RMB menu in Explorer.
  • Fixed crashes due to memory allocations (e.g. during loading of project).
  • Improved user messages for special outcomes during model setup and simulation.
  • Migri burial histories for large present day water-depths improved.
  • More accurate migration in uppermost layer below seabed.
  • Fixed bug in plotting flow-rates for timesteps with duration less than 0.5 Ma.

Migri 1.5.6 - 170914 (171031) is a maintenance release:

  • Added filtering of paleo-traps in TrapViewer by trap size
  • Added option in TrapViewer table to show data only for a given topic, e.g. HC volumes.
  • Other tweaks and minor improvements to TrapViewer plots.
  • The Source rocks editor can now be set to show either mean values, uncertainties or both.
  • The Timestep editor now only shows the History option when there is a model horizon with a corresponding age.
  • Fixed an issue with MigriBee being started twice when launching local simulations on Windows.
  • Added Migration/Active LeakageNodes to Import Table in Wells.
  • Added description of file.gri#0 notation for loading unsmoothed coarse grids into model.
  • Flowrate maps are now plotted in microtraps to avoid breaks in pathplotting.
  • More compact history (mirt) files by skipping early timesteps with no contributions
  • Minor adjustments to hdf usage.

Migri 1.5.4 - 170828 (170828) is a maintenance release:

  • Improved accuracy of oil column calculation for traps with large spill volumes and small oil columns
  • Fixed bug that resulted in progress bar disappearing during simulations
  • Fixed crash when copying table data into Table editor
  • Fixed some issues in the Injection tool
  • Added support for local background stochastic job submission
  • No longer allow interactive stochastic simulation by default - a pop up message is shown instead
  • Added more documentation for components, PVT and fault seal

Migri 1.5.2 - 170713 (170713) is a production maintenance release:

  • Improved the HC Table Editor functionality. Non-HC components can now be specified and a set of default HC templates are available
  • Improved the import and export capabilities for Shape files
  • Multi-polygons can now be used as input to HC injection
  • Added "Show drainage area" options to RMB menu in the 3D view
  • Improved plotting of shallow layers and other tweaks to GeoHistory
  • Added picking (CTRL+LMB button) to GeoHistory plots
  • Simplifications to the Drainage Area Analysis tool
  • Removed issue with geometries being generated twice after modifying the Geological Events table 
  • Minor tweaks and bugfixes

Migri 1.5.0– 170530 (170530) is a production release:

  • Added support for multicomponent migration modelling.
  • More options available for HC injection migration, including flood injection and quick injection.
  • Improved fill/spill modelling for injection points
  • Injection toolbar added
  • Added a new Edit menu containing the Geomodel editors previously found in the File/Generate project menu
  • Added a source rock properties editor to the Edit menu and in the New project setup wizard.
  • Added more project setup wizard options, including present day temperatures and number of timesteps.
  • New drainage area analysis tool included.
  • Loading of polygon Shape (.shp) files
  • Additional polygon export formats
  • Saving to and processing Riskchart & stochastic from hdf files supported.
  • Improved accuracy of compressed histories
  • Improvements to the history loading
  • Use Source.thickness=thickness.Ma to use geometrical thickness for the layer as source rock thickness.
  • Added observation misfits table in Riskchart. Shows result for each observation in a stochastic simulation run.
  • New projects will store results in out/<projectname> or hdf/<projectname>, not in output/
  • Option to plot expelled volumes zero values as 0 and not undefined added.
  • LAS keywords aliases can be loaded from migri-aliases.csv file
  • Improvements to GeoHistory plots, including support for onshore settings.
  • Added new Source Potential Index (SPI) plot
  • Unit notation allowed in math equations e.g. |g1.gri|[bbl/sqft]|*| 
  • Fix: layer scale slider now updates when loading a view configuration.
  • Fix: removed crash when deleting a data series from the Logviewer tool.
  • Fix: improved picking when multiple points are present at the same location.

Migri 1.4.2 - 170104 (170124) is a maintenance release:

  • More robust storage of simulation results in HDF format (flushing of data)
  • Improved precision in PVT calculations
  • Fixed an issue with creation of new Monte Carlo iterations after using the "Load Risk" option
  • Using the "Load caserun" option in Caserun Selection window now updates the Migri status label to show the selected caserun.
  • Added units to curve legends in Log Viewer.
  • Several fixes and improvements to the Lithologies/Fluids log.
  • Irap binary grids are now stored using a newer file format definition, allowing for import into recent versions of PetroMod and Petrel.
  • Background stochastic panel now remember settings from last session. Dialog also no longer closes automatically after new MigriBees have been started.
  • The user is now asked where to put the project directory when creating a new project from an HDF file.
  • Expulsion is now shown as undefined for layers with Source.active = 0.
  • Renamed lithologies "ShSlt" to "SltSh" and "CaSs+" to "lCaSs"
  • Minor improvements to GeoHistory plots.
  • Picking now selects the visible (foremost) point when multiple points are available at the same location.
  • Profiles now shows the correct legend for the HC.flowrates property.
  • Setting the Source.active parameter to 1 for a layer now activates Migri generation mode if no expulsion history has been selected (Source.oil & Source.gas = 0).
  • The "Sum all traps" option is now enabled by default in Trapviewer.
  • The default list of basins and provinces has been extended.
  • Increased accuracy slightly in PVT calculations
  • Improved fill/spill when using Inject Hydrocarbons
  • Length of math expression allowed is now 2000 characters.

Migri 1.4.0 - 161014 (161014) is a production release:

  • Added functionality for HC Injection in points and areas.
  • Added GeoHistory plots to view burial histories for model points.
  • New Project Setup dialog (wizard) for creating a new project from grids.
  • New Observation table editor for calibration data input.
  • Support for HDF files.
  • Experimental support for Oracle OCI database connections.
  • Experimental support for launching MigriBees on compute clusters with queue/load balancer schemes
  • Model info (model size, area etc.) is now automatically display each time a project is opened
  • Polygons export (e.g. drainage areas) as ZMap files.
  • Source.active makes it easier to switch on/off sources.
  • Updated Migri Help documentation.
  • Fix: Saving the Shortlist parameter list no longer causes crash.
  • Fix: Improved filtering in TrapViewer. Small traps picked in the 3d view no longer shown as empty.
  • Fix: numbers of sublayers are now always shown in the Geological Events Editor.
  • Fix: free capacity volumes reported in trap table are no longer negative.
  • Fix: more reasonable default sizing of the Risk chart window. 

Migri 1.3.10 - 160321 (160329) is a maintenance release:

  • Fixed error in setting relative paths in History Editor after loading histories from file.
  • Fixed issue with wrong filenames reported as missing when using Create histories. 
  • Fixed issue with exported Zycor ZMap files sometimes containing blank lines within the data.
  • Additional improvements in flow along pinch-outs (simulation & plotting)

 Migri 1.3.8 – 160229 (160229) is a maintenance release:

  • Added support for loading PetroMod 2015 data.  
  • Corrected header names in TrapViewer table (CGR->GCR, GOR->Trap GOR).
  • Added new Oil GOR column to TrapViewer table.
  • Total oil vol. [MScum] column in TrapViewer table now includes condensates.
  • Added new introduction/help links in Information window.
  • Improved flow description along pinchouts.
  • Moved FlowDirection property up to Results/Flow
  • Fixed occasional wrong lowermost sublayer Vsh calculated when no strata file is used
  • Missing rim overpressures in history are now set to 0.0 MPa

Migri 1.3.6 - 151130 (151130) is a production maintenance release:

  • Updated and re-structured the Migri Help pages.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Riskchart window to obstruct/block other windows and dialogs.
  • The Migrisk feature can now be activated/deactivated from the License Settings dialog. The changes will take effect the next time a project is opened.
  • Log10(mD) accepted as unit for histories.
  • Riskchart now excludes variables that use grids for Mean and 0 standard deviation.
  • Fixed bug that caused Migri to sometimes crash when loading very large grids.
  • Iterative Monte Carlo now accepts very long mathematical expressions
  • Lithology fraction defaults adjusted for Salt, Mixed, ArgCa.

Migri 1.3.4 - 151130 (151130) is a maintenance release:

  • Fixed an issue causing very shallow traps to sometimes not build columns and spill properly at some timesteps.
  • Fixed an issue with drag and drop model building when the user tries to add a layer that is older than the current basement layer.
  • Default temperature histories parameters for layers inserted with drag and drop are now copied from the layer above.
  • Fixed issues in TrapViewer.
    - Harmonized left and right y-axis in the HC Contacts chart
    - Legend colors and symbols have been made consistent with plot curves.
    - Showing curve labels by default in the HC Contacts chart
    - Total pressure is now included in P-T Chart.
  • Quickplot sessions using database connections can now be saved and restored.
  • Added "Duplicate column/row" function to table editors.
  • Added minimize/maximize window options to Riskchart
  • Allowing for processing multiple tags in Riskchart.
  • Fixed issues with setting correct phases in probabilistic flowmaps.
  • Fixed issue causing crash when loading very large grim (compressed migri format) grids.
  • Allowing for background stochastic simulations with projects containing spaces in filenames.

Migri 1.3.2 - 1500909 (150909) is a maintenance release:

  • Fixed issues with loading of some PetroMod grids (AOI) into LayerHistories.
  • Fixed issues with sealing faults when using grids with special grid sizes.
  • Improved flow along sealing unconformities by adjusting their permeabilities.
  • Improved stochastic processing by allowing for more properties to be processed
  • Fixed issues with Drag & drop, including wrong (mixed) lithology in some cases.
  • Improved the support for Porosity & Permeability Histories.
  • Added "Export Image" shortcut button to the Standard toolbar.
  • Added "Show source layers only" option to the RMB menu in the 3dview.
  • Export VTFx option now remembers the most recently used directory
  • All Migri windows can now be docked to either left, right or bottom positions.
  • Improved Expulsion windows and Expelled windows plots, showing the dominant expelled phase (oil, gas, mixed) and rate (low, medium, high and extreme).

 Migri 1.3.0 - 150430 (150430) is a production release:

  • New drag and drop functionality. Add new layers to an existing model or update properties by dropping maps in the 3d view.
  • New Caserun Selection panel allows for browsing and loading of individual simulations from a Monte Carlo simulation series.
  • Several Riskchart improvements, including the  possibility to update parameter distributions based on an Monte Carlo analysis. 
  • Improved support for loading from and querying SQLite databases. 
  • Several usability changes to the Project workspace, including highlighting of updated variables and errors.
  • Error, warning and information messages from the simulator are now indicated by a status bar icon. Clicking on the icon will display the message contents.
  • Migri Explorer preview now shows Grid frequency charts (distributions).
  • The Mean run is now the first run (bee=1,run=1) in Monte Carlo simulations.
  • New migration probability maps can be computed from Monte Carlo simulations, including P90,P50,P10 maps, flowrisks map (migration probability) and phaserisks map (probability of gas phase)

Migri 1.2.6 - 150309 (150309) is a maintenance release:

  • Status dialog with option to reload model is now shown after creating model geometries.
  • Improved handling of expulsion histories with invalid values in input maps.
  • More robust loading of Irap ASCII (FGR grids) with missing or invalid cell values.
  • Fixed an issue with the tablines mathematical operation.

Migri 1.2.4 - 150206 (150206) is a maintenance release:

  • View configurations (viewpoint, visible layers, clipping etc) can now be saved and loaded from the view menu and graphics toolbar.
  • Project workspace variables that have been changed after the last project save are now shown with bold text.
  • The input, model and results branches in the project workspace are now marked by vertical lines in blue, green and black colors.
  • Header text can now be turned on/off in 2d view (View/Layout menu option).
  • Log viewer now automatically updates each time the active timestep is changed
  • User interface font size (e.g. menus and project workspace) can now be changed in the File/Preferences menu.
  • The geological event editor can now be opened and edited directly when loading of a layer model fails.
  • Project workspace variables that are modified are now added to the Shortlist view
  • Volumes contained within or passing through multiple traps can now be summed in Trap viewer (trapped,moving and lost HC plots)
  • Added SealEvent (Kseal.adjust, Kseal.logadjust, Peseal.add in Layer Hydraulic).
  • Trap phases are now plotted in flowrate and trap plots when uppermost carrier is not at top of layer.
  • Memory allocations issues that led to MigriBee stops have been fixed.
  • Animations of Migri maturities/transformations/generation now show same values as simulation result plots.
  • Quickplot: several small improvements and bugfixes.
  • Several bufixes and minor improvements to the Riskchart component.

Migri 1.2.2 - 141006 (141006) is a maintenance release:

  • Support for special plot legends, including flowrates, maturity classes and vertical flow direction.
  • Added "Simulate to.." option to allow the user to simulate to a given timestep.
  • Added Selection info toolbar options to move between points (next point, last point) in the current polygon.
  • Added "Open project" option in the Recent Project Files list.
  • More options are available when converting files, e.g. changing directory and file subfix.
  • RiskChart improvements.
  • Added Depth/QA Stress options for erosion and effective stress plots.
  • Added Net/gross parameter, which is taken into account when computing the volumetric capacity of traps.
  • Bugfixes in GUI and in simulator core. Simulation results are only affected in some settings.

Migri 1.2.0 - 140312 (140312) is a production release:

  • Improved help system with more detailed description of all input dialogs.
  • Migri Quickplot tool for plotting logs, histograms, crossplots etc.
  • Loading of well and calibration data from Migri SQLite database.
  • MigriBees can now be be launched on remote compute servers via ssh
  • Profiles are now draggable within the 3d view (use ALT + LMB)
  • Layer name and xyz position can be tracked in profile view.
  • Misfit and weighted input distributions for stochastic simulations can be analysed in the RiskChart utility.
  • Bug fixes and usability improvements to project input tables (histories, geological events and timesteps editors)
  • Plotting of traps, leakage elements and fault connections in 3D view (for Migrisk participants).
  • Option to georeference images and map them onto model layers.
  • Possibility to plot markers where well paths intersect model layers (requires age column in well table)
  • Plot uncertainties (e.g. P90, P10, stdv) for input parameters in project workspace.
  • Possibility to generate uncertainity animations (e.g. P10->P90)
  • Split Logviewer and Explorer into separate components.
  • Added gaswindow.duration and TR alternatives plots (with alternative kinetic models)
  • Creating geometries from large grids (>2 mill. nodes for each layer) is now possible without setting a "large model" switch.
  • New input data formats are supported, including Arcgis ESRI. 
  • Mathematical operations are now auto-saved to mirm files.
  • GUI and simulator bug fixes.

Migri 1.1.2 - 130711 (130711) is a maintenance release:

  • Reorganized Workspace properties tree into Input, Model and Results.
  • TrapViewer/TrapID and Results/Traps/TrapID refer to the same values.
  • Fixed leakage issues, where traps did not leak in some geological settings.
  • Fixed issues in the modelling of shallow leakage to seabed.
  • Improvements to lateral migration along pinchouts and into sand lenses.
  • Added FlowDirection plot in Properties/Results/Flow/Flowpaths.
  • Added more Mathematical commands, including interval, merge, xyz and trimkm.
  • Fixed an issue with MigriBee for Linux.

Migri 1.1.0 - 121220 (121220) is a production release:

  • Fixed issues reported for the 1.1.0 release candidates.
  • Export of streams to Migrino (VTFX files).
  • Added Help/OnlineSupport.
  • Many GUI and some simulator bugs fixed.
  • Removed parameters not yet activated from GUI.
  • Added GUI component for output definition (storing results) and stochastic processing of stored results.
  • Added Probabilities output plots for stochastic simulations (P90, Mean, P10, Stdv,Risk, ositives etc).
  • Added background stochastic processing (MigriBee, available now for Migrisk and MigriAPI clients now).
  • Added Update Project function for “red Load Last Project” button when updating input parameters.
  • Editing of User Labels can now be done directly in the 3D window by double-clicking on picked point.
  • Added support for oil and gas generation modelling in Migri using TOC, HI, for each source layer (Exp.0 history).
  • Maturity windows, Oilwindow onset, Oilwindow duration and Gaswindow onset added to Maturity plots.
  • Gas & Oil generated and Expelled & expulsion windows added to Expelled plots.
  • Structure/QA_structure added for quality control including Lost_thickness & Depth_mismatch plots.
  • Input/Region now allows for modelling the generation/migration from within a region and between layers without changing the source rock model.
  • Input/Anomalies now includes Add.depth for each layer, which allows for quickly simulating with alternative horizon descriptions without rebuilding the geometries.
  • Streams plotting improved with e.g. arrows plotting which makes it easier to see flow-directions in static figures.
  • Trap Viewer now allows for filtering and sorting which means that e.g. the many small dry structures at early timesteps can be excluded.
  • Added functions in grid mathematical calculator in Migri Explorer.
  • Basemap files can now be reloaded and topic posted from imported csv tablescan be selected from a pull-down list.
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