How do I create a Migri project from an existing PetroMod 3D project?


The current workflow for converting a PetroMod project is outlined below. We are working on mkaing htis procedure smoother in future Migri releases.

  1. Create a New Project (results in a .mirp case-file in the “/migri” directory in the destination folder chosen).
  2. Export depth grids from PetroMod to Migri’s “/db/depths” directory.
  3. Create Migri Geometries in File/GenerateProject/CreateGeometries.
  4. Export burial, temperature (and oil/gas expulsion) histories from PetroMod to “/db”.
  5. Load Project (.mirp) into Migri using File/OpenProject.
  6. Add PetroMod time-steps in the table using File/GenerateProject/EditTimestepsTable.
  7. Make sure that the “Histories” column in the table is ticked only for times where there is a corresponding Horizon age (check in ProjectWorkspace).
  8. Add Migri Histories in the table using File/GenerateProject/EditHistoriesTable and save the table (as a .csv file)
  9. Activate the use of the saved table by selecting it in Input/History/History.source.
  10. Save (File/SaveProject) and reopen (reload) the .mirp case-file in Migri (File/OpenProject).
  11. Choose histories to simulate in Properties/Input/Geomodel/:
    a. BurialHistory.
    b. TemperatureHistory.
    c. PorosityHistory.
  12. Choose gas and oil expulsion histories in Input/Source.
  13. Add Input/Geomodel/Sedimentsurface for all Layers where palaeowater depths are not 0 m.
  14. Input/Geomodel/ThicknessHistory can also be used for salt reconstruction instead of the BurialHistory.
  15. Define Layer lithologies for the layers
  16. Save and re-open the project


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